Proposed shelter home launching ceremony was held and more than 20 NGO joint hand programme was organized by Future foundation, Roshan Foundation, Alkhadeem, and Waqf Taskforce. Guest was Sikander Pathan, Hussein Pashapuri, Salim Patekari, Salim Mulla, Seema Farid, Tungekar Gaus Shaikh from IMF group of doctors welfare sisters kondhwa NCP Corporater adv haji Gaffurpathan Parveen haji Firoz ex Corporator Raees Sundke and Anis Sunke NCP Mahila President Hasina Inamdar, Zaid Sayed Rabta foundation Zahid Bhai Maharashtra action committee Ainul Attar Ex CEO waqf board amt shed a Shahjahan all India gen sec NCP Mahila congress adv Sherkar and Salim Bhagwan

This shelter home is different from other projects not only provide shelter but also make them independent and will encourage organic farming and small scale industry to generate funds for them. See Project Proposal and contact us for donation.

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